Film/ Television

Piracy Data Overview January 2022 to August 2022

MUSO measures visits to the entire piracy eco-system for desktop and mobile visits as well as tracking direct piracy consumption on over 388,000 TV and film titles across both the torrent network and unlicensed streaming websites.

Film/ Television

Winter is Coming: The Bonfire of the Subscriptions

As the global economy struggles and household budgets are squeezed, MUSO CEO & Co-Founder Andy Chatterley reviews the impact of the current economic turbulence on TV subscriptions.


Monthly Film Data Insights - August 2022

MUSO’s piracy data is widely used across the entertainment industries and provides deep insights into film and TV consumption. The data is used to inform anti-piracy strategies. It is used by studios and networks to better understand global audiences and content demand. It...


Monthly Film Data Insights - June 2022

MUSO’s data provides deep insights into audience demand for film and TV content across unlicensed streaming and networks. In our latest article, Andy Chatterley MUSO’s CEO highlights and comments on some of the interesting trends observed in the most recent film piracy...


Monthly TV Data Insights - May 2022

MUSO measures piracy consumption on over 200,000 TV and film titles across both the torrent network and unlicensed streaming websites. In this article, MUSO’s insights team highlights some of the trends observed in our recent TV piracy audience data.


Monthly Film Data Insights - May 2022

In this article, MUSO’s data insights team highlights some of the trends observed in the most recent Film piracy audience data.

Film/ Article/ Television

MUSO Discover Q1 2022 Digital Piracy Data Insights

MUSO’s Piracy by Industry dataset measures industry-level piracy demand for film, TV, music, software and publishing content across a wide range of piracy sites that include streaming, torrent, web download and stream ripping sites. This article highlights some of the...


Monthly Film Data Insights - Feb 2022

MUSO Discover audience data measures consumption of over 200,000 films and TV shows in 242 countries and regions. This article looks at some of the trends and insights observed in January and February 2022 data.



MUSO's audience data reveals pronounced regional trends that are used to identify popular titles and genres and to inform content acquisition and commissioning strategies

Monthly TV Data Insights - October 2021

In this article, MUSO’s data insights team highlights some of the trends observed in the most recent TV piracy audience data.

Monthly Film Data Insights - October 2021

In this article, MUSO’s data insights team highlights some of the trends observed in MUSO’s most recent film piracy audience data.

Monthly TV Data Insights - September 2021

In this article, MUSO’s data insights team highlights some of the trends observed in TV piracy audience data from July 2021.