MUSO TNT, a leading provider of online anti-piracy solutions has this week re-launched its industry-leading online content protection platform for rights holders, to now provide an advanced, end-to-end solution for the content creators and distributors.
The company has also rebranded as MUSO, to simplify and streamline the process for its global client base of leading film and music, software, live sports broadcast and publishing companies in providing a centralized location for customer logins, reporting, educational and b2b tools.
MUSO has expanded out its browser-based dashboard anti-piracy interface, allowing companies to access the service via any device to monitor the entire life-cycle of a product and to enforce copyright efficiently in detecting leaks. The MUSO dashboard searches millions of different blogs, message boards, websites and social media for illegal instances – analyzing and grouping infringements and automatically and instantly issuing hundreds or even thousands of takedown requests to filelockers, torrents, streaming video and auction sites.
All activity can be completed with just minutes of use per day in one single, simple dashboard, utilising the company’s trademark traffic light system, which monitors illegal file activity once action has been taken to remove infringing material. The simple three-stage status is also featured heavily in the analysis and reporting tools, to allow companies both large and small to use detailed analytics in a fast and simple way to directly impact on their business decisions, day-to-day.
About MUSO:
Founded in 2008, MUSO provides a platform of cost-effective online anti-piracy solutions used every day by over 1,000 rights-holders globally, from major media corporations to niche cutting-edge independent content producers. We help protect many of the world’s leading brands and premium content from online piracy, and operate from offices in London, UK and Burbank, Los Angeles.
To find out more about MUSO’s suite of piracy solutions, please visit Products.