NEW: MUSO Piracy Intelligence for Content Protection Teams

NEW: MUSO Piracy Intelligence for Content Protection Teams

MUSO are excited to announce the launch of Piracy Intelligence, a new game changer for content protection teams in the media and entertainment industry. 


The battle against piracy is relentless and multifaceted, requiring robust strategies and innovative solutions that are driven by data and actionable insight. MUSO's own data showed that piracy increased YoY across all entertainment sectors between 2022 and 2023.

To help content protection teams address this challenge head on, MUSO have launched Piracy Intelligence, a revolutionary data product designed to empower content protection teams with the insights and tools they need to measure the effectiveness of their anti-piracy strategies. 


Data driven targeted interventions 

MUSO Piracy Intelligence offers comprehensive monitoring and robust data analytics, tracking unlicensed activity across various platforms and regions, providing a detailed view of piracy trends and hotspots. This extensive monitoring is coupled with advanced analytics that produce insightful reports, quantifying the financial impacts of piracy and assessing the effectiveness of countermeasures.


Maximise your content protection budgets

A standout feature of Piracy Intelligence is its ROI measurement capability, which correlates reductions in piracy with increases in legitimate sales, helping organizations gauge the economic benefits of their anti-piracy strategies. This feature is vital for justifying anti-piracy investments and optimizing resource allocation.


Make informed decisions

Furthermore, Piracy Intelligence enhances decision-making, increases accountability, and offers adaptability to meet the demands of an evolving digital landscape. By transforming reactive measures into proactive strategies, it empowers teams to protect their content more effectively and maintain a competitive edge in the fight against piracy.


Read the full article here for a deeper dive into how Piracy Intelligence can enhance your content protection strategy.

Or contact Tom Colyer @ MUSO.

Insider/ Press Release