Why Piracy By Industry?


Industry Level Insights

Get a holistic view of piracy demand across the entertainment industry. Instrumental for building strategy at the industry level.


Comprehensive Data

Get unmatched insight into global piracy demand with data from over 70,000 of the highest traffic active piracy websites.


Daily Granularity

PBI data is provided at a daily cadence and refreshes monthly enabling you to make dynamic, timely, and strategic responses to piracy trends.


Global & Regional Insight

See global trends while also dissecting piracy data at a country level with demand from over 150 regions.


AI Driven Matching

AI driven matching algorithms enable the accurate tracking of piracy activity across global piracy sites, despite a constantly evolving digital landscape.


Strategic Insights

Feel confident in making decisions about content protection policies whether you work in a trade bodies, in Government or a corporation.

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Informed Content Protection Strategy

For legal and anti-piracy teams in trade bodies, governments, and corporations that drive copyright protection, policy development, and industry-wide strategies.



Visits to piracy websites measured in 2022



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Reboot Your Content Protection Strategy For Film And TV

See the global trends in illegal demand for film and TV content and how film and TV rights owners can employ a data driven strategy to combat IP theft and reboot their content protection. 


The Publishing Piracy Report YE Q1 2023

MUSO's annual report highlights the global trends in illegal demand for publishing content outlines the solutions that publishers can employ to combat IP theft. 


The EUIPO Piracy Consumption Report

Read the "Trends in the digital copyright infringement in the EU" report powered by MUSO data