Calculating the impact of piracy on box office and VOD revenue

Calculating the impact of piracy on box office and VOD revenue

For more than 20 years, the film industry has sought a definitive way to measure the impact of piracy on box office and VOD revenue. Now they can.


For more than 20 years, the film industry has sought a definitive way to measure the impact of piracy on box office and VOD revenue. Despite the rapid growth in digital distribution and global viewership, the financial consequences of unlicensed content consumption have remained elusive—until now.

At MUSO, we’ve cracked the code. Our new ROI calculator provides film companies, sales agents, and distributors with an insight into the financial impact of piracy on individual film titles. For the first time, we can offer an analysis of how much revenue is left on the table within both the theatrical and VOD windows, enabling companies to calculate an accurate return on investment (ROI) on their anti-piracy spend.


A Title-by-Title Financial Analysis


The MUSO ROI calculator is powered by our industry-leading Discover dataset, which tracks global audience engagement across unlicensed streaming and download channels. By comparing this data to the financial performance of similar titles, the calculator provides a film-by-film breakdown that highlights the potential revenue loss due to piracy.

Whether it's a blockbuster theatrical release or a highly anticipated VOD launch, the ROI calculator gives film stakeholders the ability to quantify the financial impact and make informed decisions about anti-piracy investments.


Theatrical & VOD Windows: Uncovering Revenue Left on the Table


For any release, maximising revenue during both the theatrical and VOD windows is crucial. Our ROI calculator offers insights into how much potential revenue may have been syphoned off by unlicensed consumption during these critical periods. By analysing comparable titles and historical piracy trends, we provide data-driven evidence of how anti-piracy efforts can directly impact your bottom line.

This is a game changer for film companies. The calculator not only reveals the financial loss due to piracy but also highlights the untapped revenue that could be recovered with a strategic anti-piracy investment.


Don’t Miss Out on the Full Picture


The MUSO ROI calculator is more than just a tool—it’s the culmination of over a decade of research, data analysis, and technological innovation. We’ve bridged the gap between piracy data and financial performance, solving a problem that has plagued the industry for years.

Want to learn how much revenue could be saved with a targeted anti-piracy strategy? Reach out to our team for a detailed demo and see how MUSO's ROI calculator can help you recover lost revenue and protect your film's success in an increasingly fragmented digital landscape.

If you would like to find out how to calculate the impact of piracy on your new releases, get in touch.

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Or email Tom Colyer, Commercial Director of Content Protection.

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